being the mental and scholastic wanderings of Collie Collier
Copyright © 1994 B. A. "Collie" Collier
Contact Collie
The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains
evil interference -- they deserve a place of honor with all that's
--George Washington
Summertiiime... and the trig is a bear!
Yes, I'm taking trigonometry during the summer. No, I don't quite understand the rationale behind it either. So... I'm a bit at loose ends as to what to write in this zine. I'm short on time; nothing amazing or enlightening leaps to mind; and my last quarter's finals papers don't seem quite applicable to me. Subjects such as the (mis)uses bigotry and anger are being put to (for a class on cultural conceptions of masculinity), a mondo book report on 8 fascinating anthropology readings (for an independent study class), and a mini-ethnology on various women's perceptions of Catholicism (for my Women, Religion, and Society class) were fascinating to research and write. Unfortunately none of them leaps to mind as immediately usable for gaming purposes, and trig is making my mind frequently feel about as useful as a wet noodle... so I think I'm going to try something a little different.
This is a position paper I wrote for a speech class last year. I realize it covers an emotionally loaded topic, and I don't expect everyone to agree with it. However, this paper isn't being printed in Interregnum to convince anyone of anything, but rather to show how anything you learn or research or discover can be used to enrich your game. Also, it means I don't have to actually come up with anything new for my zine this time, since I'm pushing comments off till my next zine... which also means I can concentrate more on trig, and yet still participate in Interregnum. ;-)
A bit of background information: the footnotes include commentary from my professor, and my responses to her comments. Also, I chose to not include any pictures, so the text may be a little thick-seeming on occasion -- sorry! I'm trying to save on printing costs; that's why the dissection of this paper (in a gaming sense) will be occurring in my next zine.
The paper: Anti-Gun Propaganda and Controlling Violent Crime
Last Updated: Thurs Apr 1 1999