Role-Playing Games Page
(and some related subjects)
There's a wide spread of interests here, linked only by their common theme of being associated with one of my favorite hobbies -- role-playing. Enjoy!
- Here are all my APA zines. I've written for a few APAs so far: The Wild Hunt, Alarums & Excursions, and Interregnum. What are zines, you say? No sweat... go to the actual Interregnum web page for a nice description of zines. You'll need to use your back button to return here.
Peaceable Demeanor (zines written for TWH).
Firestarter (zines written for IR).
Working on the Spiderwebs (zines written for A&E).
- I've also done several covers for TWH.
- The Page of Neat Gaming Ideas That Never Made It. Enjoy, and may they hopefully offer inspiration to someone else.
- A few GMing tips sent via e-mail to a net friend.
Links to Some Fine Folks with Nice Gaming-related Pages
- Lou Erickson's site -- yes, he likes skunks. Pester him to link up more of his gaming stuff! ;-)
- Elizabeth McCoy's The Real McCoy and some of her current work on In Nomine.
- Joseph Teller and Kiralee McCauley's Fantasy Library -- a good site for information on gaming, paganism, and much more.
- Rebecca Teed's Home Page, with pages on her interests -- from role-playing to Quaternary paleoecology.
- Black Gate Publishing's Throttle, which is a thoughtful and well-done on-line web-zine -- well worth reading. They must be marvelous, they've got a page with my commentary on it! Now is that ego-boo, or what?
- This is another nice resource: Johnn Four's Roleplaying Tips Page. He sends them out in weekly e-zines, which you can subscribe to on his page.
More soon, I hope! ;-)
Here's some nice art by Lynx, who was sweet enough to do a quick sketch on a beer coaster, of me as a collie, while we were waiting for food at a restaurant during a con.
[Religion and the Bible] [Ethics and Morality] [Popular Movements]
[Applied Theoretical Interpretations] [Collie's Bestiary] [Societies and Subcultures]
[Odds'n'Ends] [The Library] [Role-Playing Games]
Let me know what you think about what I've written -- I'm always interested in communicating! ;-)
Last Updated: Sat Nov 05 2000